Brooke Noftle
Dallhousie University, University of Saskatchewan, Western University
Ontario Regional Director – Term: 2020-2024
Dr. Brooke Noftle is from Halifax, Nova Scotia. He attended Dalhousie University where he graduated with a B.Sc. in math, a B.A. in French with a minor in German and a medical degree, in 1988. He then completed a rotating internship through the University of Saskatchewan in Regina and a family medicine residency at Western University in London, earning CCFP certification in 1990. Dr. Noftle earned FCFP designation in 2004. After doing primary care locum work for almost three years, he worked at the London InterCommunity Health Centre from January 1993 to January 2022 as a primary care physician serving newcomer and marginalized inner-city populations.
He worked half-time at Student Health Services at Western University from 1993 to 2005. While doing locum work, He was introduced to the field of addiction medicine by Dr. Martyn Judson, a highly experienced local addiction medicine physician who has been a mentor for over 25 years. He first began to do a few hours a week of addiction and OAT work independently in 1995 and over time this has expanded into the bulk of his professional work.
Dr. Noftle currently works at a primarily OAT clinic in London and is medical director at a clinic in St. Thomas, Ontario which was formerly exclusively an OAT clinic but is now a RAAM clinic, primary substance issues addressed being alcohol and opioids. Over the years he has served on boards of addiction services agencies, offered informal addiction medicine advice to various community providers and been involved with a variety of community advisory committees whose mandates include increasing treatment access and reducing barriers. De-stigmatization of addiction and substance misuse issues and those seeking to improve their quality of life have been priorities throughout his career. Advocacy is a significant part of what he does.
He is an adjunct professor in the Department of Family Medicine at Western University and is involved in on-site teaching of medical students, residents and practising physicians as well as nurses and nurse practitioners during training and post-qualification