Global Studies Reveal Major Disruptions in Addiction Care During the Pandemic
Front-line professionals report medicine shortages, critical service disruptions and a 191% increase in overdoses.
Front-line professionals report medicine shortages, critical service disruptions and a 191% increase in overdoses.
We’ve summarized the key findings from a specialized track on COVID-19 and substance use at our 2020 annual conference. Download the report and stay tuned for more summaries!
The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) is leading an exciting initiative, with support from Health Canada, to update Canada’s Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines.
Join us for a lively discussion with your addiction medicine colleagues to examine, apply and improve our knowledge of current research and review best practices.
Given that the Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine strives to advocate for the population most impacted by this misguided policy of criminalization, CSAM-SMCA joins the growing calls for decriminalizing drug use and possession for personal use.
Learn, collaborate and discuss with your peers at our new online Journal Club!
In this month’s President’s message, Dr. Jennifer Brasch shares an update on many of the activities of CSAM-SMCA in her first months as President.
Homeless shelters and residential substance use facilities from across Canada can join LTC+ and receive up to $10,000 funding to contribute towards pandemic response.
Connect with your Canadian addiction medicine colleagues and stay on top of the latest research with our Online Journal Club, open to anyone interested in or practicing addiction medicine.
In her first message as the CSAM-SMCA president, Dr. Jennifer Brasch discusses the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, her vision as she leads the CSAM-SMCA organization for the next two years, and the success of the organization’s first virtual conference.
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