Anne Sophie Marsolais


Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences, Disability Management Practitioner Certification Program – British Colombia, Université Sherbrooke, Centre d’action en prévention et réadaptation de l’incapacité au travail (CAPRIT), Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé – Québec

Quebec Regional Director – 1st Term: 2019-2022

Dr Marsolais completed her training at McGill University in 1996. She completed her residency in family medicine at the Université de Montréal in 1999.Her first 5 years of medical practice started at the emergency, the intensive care and hospitalization units in remote areas of the Province of Québec. She then practiced medicine at the hospitalization pneumology department at Cité de la Santé of Laval for 13 years where she shared her experience with family medicine residents.

Meanwhile, she explored occupational medicine and adopted the practice since 2003. Her interests for addiction medicine started in the workplace where she noticed certain workers with recurrent psychiatric problems with nebulous causes and without treating resources.Therefore, she developed a collaborative procedure with the Union, the employers and the caregivers to understand the causes and the impacts of observed functional issues of workers in their workplace. She has moved societies in the community by popularizing the causes and treatments of addictions and by promoting an inclusive attitude towards workers with addictions in various workplaces. She works as a family and addiction medicine physician in outpatients and inpatients rehabilitation programs. She teaches a course on addictions at the program of certification of disability management practitioner of the Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences located in British Colombia.

She teaches knowledge of medical follow-ups of workers with addiction issues within a safety- sensitive workplace environment to medical students and residents in occupational medicine of the Université de Montréal.  She also acts as a medical examiner for the Medical Council of Canada. She obtained a certification of added competence in addiction medicine granted by the College of Family Physicians of Canada and received the certification of the Canadian Society of Addiction medicine in 2019. She shares her experience and expertise in her community and to medical peers by giving conferences promoting treatment and support to patients and workers suffering of addictions in the objective of maintaining dignity and employability.

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